23 апр. 2013

Fairy tales from childhood

Post by cremfashion


Like every girl I dream about the brave prince on a white horse who will love me forever and ever, buying me shoes, dresses, bags, being with me when I am over 90 kg etc.
Of course I am joking! That man lives only in fairy tales from childhood. Nevertheless, any woman longs for that character. Do you know why? Because of all stories with happy end such as Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, The Princess and The Pea and others. They teach people that pure love is possible and eternal. It may be na?ve, but I still believe that love is the power of the world!
That’s why I strongly recommend the series Magical Treasure of The World published in Bulgaria by Svetlyo Kantardzhiev and New Media Group. The titles are related to some of the most favorite authors ever: Hans Christian Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault and others. The reader can find the stories of King`s New Clothes and The Little Match Girl.
In conclusion, the best way to be a good adult is to never grow up! My word, Magical Treasure of The World by Svetoslav Kantardjiev will help you a lot in resolving that task.

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